Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7/22/09 One of the new light fixtures. No electricity yet, but the fixtures are almost in.

7/22/09 One of the two drawer pull styles we chose--very simple!
7/22/09 JB's bath sink is in.

7/22/09 Master bath sinks are also in.

7/22/09 Framing of the deck is complete.

7/22/09 View back to the house from the deck. Photographer is getting vertigo!

7/22/09 From inside looking out at the deck.

Monday, July 20, 2009

7/20/09 Setting soapstone in kitchen.
7/20/09 Cutting the hole for the kitchen sink.

7/20/09 Guides to cut out one of the master bath sinks.

7/20/09 Master Bedroom progress.

7/20/09 Master Bath progress.

7/20/09 Away room progress.

7/20/09 Looking through the house toward the West out over the pool.

7/20/09 The beginning of the structure for the long narrow deck extending West toward the sunset.

7/20/09 We're about to regrade for the driveway so that required digging the dirt down around the trees to their natural grade--where the trunk starts splaying out into roots.

Monday, July 13, 2009

7/13/09 Pomykal Painting--The guys doing the interior painting. Low VOC paint is used.

7/13/09 Lots of drawer insides to do.

7/13/09 Looking toward the kitchen area.

7/13/09 Sand Pad for 20K gallon Rainwater collection tank. This will add to our buried tank, the converted swimming pool, mentioned earlier.